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发布时间:2011-08-02 14:47:00 来源:http://www.hfzhengxingyiyuan.com/

    Hymen repair is through cosmetic surgery methods have been destroyed or re-re-restored hymen a new hymen。 Female vaginal hymen is a circular mouth mucosal folds to a thickness of 1-2 mm。 The old idea that the hymen has been complete, the wedding night see red (hymen bleeding) is a virgin, showing a woman's purity and perfection, if you do not see red after sexual intercourse, the marriage to the show with their female infidelity and so on。

    Hymen repair of cosmetic surgery generally takes 15-30 minutes, usually with 0。1% benzalkonium bromide or iodine disinfectant disinfection vulva and vagina, with 1% lidocaine local anesthesia, with a little eye will rupture the hymen scissors cut neat wound edge, and then nylon or absorbable suture line thin suture suspect that the hymen leaving only the little finger through a hole, a little antibiotic ointment coated surgery, postoperative day with 0。1% benzalkonium bromide solution, or high Potassium permanganate solution diluted washing genitals to prevent infection, usually five days to stitches。 Sex more frequently for those who break the hymen, the surgery is slightly more complex, you need to do the hymen reconstruction surgery, you need to do vaginal side or both sides of the labia minora vaginal mucosal flap will shrink; regardless of the kind of approach in surgery by surgery in patients with essentially no pain, the surgical reconstruction of the hymen usually after one to two months will be restored as ever。 But during the ride or ride a cross-action against the exaggerated behavior to avoid further tearing。 About the time of marriage, it is recommended two to three months after surgery can be more desirable。

    译文:处女膜修补术就是通过整容外科手术的方法将已经被破坏的处女膜重新还原或再造一个新的处女膜。 处女膜是指女性阴道口处的一个圆形粘膜皱襞,厚约1 -2毫米。旧的观念一直认为处女膜完整,新婚之夜见红(处女膜出血)就是处女,表现出女人的纯洁与无瑕,如果性交后没有见红,则予示着其女婚前不贞等。

    处女膜修补的整容手术一般需15-30分钟,通常用 0.1%的新洁尔灭或者碘伏消毒液消毒外阴部和阴道口,采用1%的利多卡因局部浸润麻醉,用眼科小剪刀将破裂处的处女膜剪出整齐的创缘,再用尼龙线或者可吸收缝合线细细疑缝合,使处女膜仅留通过一小指的孔,术毕涂少许抗生素软膏,术后每天用0.1%的新洁尔灭液或者高锰酸钾液稀释清洗外阴部以预防感染,一般五天即可拆线。对于那些性生活次数较多的处女膜破裂,则手术则要略复杂一些,需要做处女膜再造术,需要在阴道口侧或两侧做小阴唇粘膜瓣将阴道口缩小;无论那种方法在手术中,受术的爱美者基本上无痛感,经手术再造后的处女膜一般在一到两个月后就能恢复如初。但是期间禁止骑车或者骑跨动作夸张的行为,避免再次撕裂。关于结婚时间,建议可在术后二至三个月较为理想。













